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Alhamdulillah I was lucky enough to go on deployment to Lebanon in July 2022 to help our Palestinian & Syrian refugee brothers & sisters. If you were wondering what deployment means, it is when you go to a different country and help the people that are most in need. I even ran my first ever 1/2 marathon in Marrakesh, which I raised money for Gaza Palestine.



Alhamdulillah I was also blessed with going to Palestine where I went to Al Aqsa Masjid and to the West Bank where I visited a local orphanage. Palestine & deployment was one of the best experiences of my life. I am so grateful that I got to go. I learnt so much from going, mainly from the children. They taught me so much. They were so grateful for what little they have.

The main thing that I learnt was they were a lot closer to Allah than we are. Their iman is so strong and no matter what they always say Alhamdulillah.

They were the nicest people I have ever met, they where so kind and caring but also super strong. We were always play fighting and having arm wrestle battles. I miss them loads. We really need to be doing more for them and keep fighting for them.



When I was on deployment we did lots of different things but the main things we did in the camps were:

Pack the food parcels then give them out to the families


Visited the different Palestinian & Syrian camps


Helped out in the different camps we visited


Played with the children in the camps and making sure they had lots of fun


We took children that didn’t have a mum & dad on fun day at the beach


We also took them shopping for Eid clothes


We took another group of children that don’t have a mum & dad out for a fun day to a circus show with lots of bouncy castles


"If you want to know more about my deployment message me or check out my Instagram page to see lots more videos and pictures."

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